
... on the topics of technique, rhythm, dynamics, and groove.

As a lecturer and workshop leader, it's important for me to use each percussion instrument across a variety of different genres. As a result, my workshops cater to beginners as well as intermediate and professional musicians from classical to rock/pop/jazz backgrounds. Of course, these courses can also be combined. To ensure individual attention is given to each workshop participant, the number is limited to ten people.

Percussion Group: Concert Preparation Workshops

This workshop focuses on preparing percussionists for upcoming concerts. It includes general ensemble training (including listening and interaction skills), analysis of specific passages in pieces, and refinement of expression and performance style.

Technique Workshops for Various Drums

This workshop covers technique, drum tuning, coordination exercises, and the essentials of playing with musicality. Specific focus is given to each workshop participant's individual needs.

Cajón Workshops

This workshop revolves around the wonderful Peruvian wooden instrument called the cajón, or “box”. Different playing techniques are explained, and participants also practice grooves with a shaker. Practice cajóns, made of cardboard, can be provided for this workshop.

Small Percussion Workshops (Shaker, Tambourine, Caxixi, Cabasa)

This workshop provides detailed instruction on posture, technique, and instrument coordination. Additionally, we cover playing and singing simultaneously, making it especially ideal for vocalists.

Mixed - Percussion Workshops (Congas, Bongos, Cajón, Djembe, Darbuka)

The mixed-percussion workshop covers various techniques, playing styles, and background information on the congas, bongos, cajón, djembe, and darbuka. Participants also learn different grooves and play through pieces together as an ensemble.

Percussion Ensemble Workshops (combining Mallets, Percussion, and Drums)

The percussion ensemble workshop focuses on performing and interpreting music as an ensemble. Specific tips and tricks are provided to develop a basic foundation for the group. In addition, we’ll cover technique and playing percussion instruments, including mallets, with dynamics.

Workshops with Bands and Big Band Rhythm Sections

This specialized workshop involves working on different pieces while focusing on ensemble play and musical expression. Within the context of the rhythm section, our focus is on playing with groove, dynamics, technique, feel, and fun.

Drumline Workshops

The drumline workshop includes playing bass drums, tenors, snares, and/or cymbals. It primarily covers rudiments, technique, playing style, dynamics, and playing together as an ensemble. However, the athletic component of this activity does not go ignored, as you also get a chance to march with the instruments.


Thomas Sporrer with participants of the Mixed Percussion Workshop at Jazzfest Rosenheim

For questions and further information, please use the contact form below:

A glimpse of the percussion workshops at Meinl Drum Festival 2023

Check out what participants have to say about my workshops:

Hello Thomas,

Thank you very much for the exercise sheets and the great workshop yesterday. And also, thank you for patiently answering all of my questions 😊 I really had to take advantage of the opportunity to ask a real pro.


Best regards,


Dear Thomas,

Once again, thank you very much for the wonderful workshop. It's so pleasant how you engage all participants and continually encourage questions. I noticed that even participants who identified themselves as beginners were glad to sign up for subsequent workshops. It's wonderful how you address all the ‘normal’ questions and little issues, giving everyone the feeling that no question is unimportant or should go unanswered. For instance, at my second home in the Eifel region, I have a pretty uncomfortable room, with terrible lighting, etc. Playing there has never been that fun, and as a pretty sensitive person, it became crystal clear to me yesterday how important it is to fix it. At the very least, as I grow older, I should be comfortable, right?

All told, your friendly encouragement is the best motivation for practice!


Warm regards,


Hello Thomas,

Thank you very much for your excellent workshops and the truly valuable tips and information. Really great!

If you have the time, I would love to take you up on the offer and ask for the exercise sheets (warm-up exercises, pyramid) you mentioned. Thank you very much in advance!

Wishing you a wonderful holiday, and looking forward to the next workshop.


Best regards,


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